e-waste recycling
recycle laptop
sell broken laptop
sell laptop
Sell used laptop
toxins from e-waste
Our world is always on the brink of ‘breaking technology’. Every passing day brings to us a host of new inventions – household appliances, mobile phones, computers, gaming consoles - we are simply inundated with new electronic gadgets and discoveries. The larger the number of new products, the bigger task of disposing redundant items. Competition and status incites all to acquire the latest models in all electronic devices paving the way for an early death of the earlier versions. Our Earth has become the dumping ground for more than forty million metric tons of electronic waste. Very often old or unused laptops are recycled by keeping aside the parts which can be re-used. However, when dumped in landfills for disposal via burning or other unhealthy procedures, they cause unimaginable damage to both the planet and humans. Every computer or television set consists of about four to eight pounds of lead. When computers are crushed in landfills, one can only imagine the effect of the lead which is released.
The ensuing electronic waste left in landfills by majority of the people become the breeding ground for a host of dangerous repercussions on human health and of course our planet. Though some countries in the West strictly adhere to safe recycling procedures, there are many countries in south-east Asia which indulge in informal recycling exercises like dismantling, burning, and even shredding in regular and reserved spaces. The toxins released from these activities have disastrous effects to the personnel exposed to them. Constant exposure to Lead, a metal, found in a range of electronic items – batteries, cable casings, soldering procedures could cause diarrhoea, constipation, fatigue, affect the kidneys and could even cause death. In the case of third world countries where child labour is prevalent, working under conditions involving consistent exposure to lead could harm the brain and even the blood stream. Exposure to Mercury, an equally toxic metal, found commonly in most electronic gadgets has devastating effects on the liver and brain. In some countries, where redundant electronic items are burned in the open, the toxic chemicals resulting from this find their way into soil which affects the crops which in turn take their toll on the people who consume the same. For those working in industrial areas, exposure to Beryllium fumes or even the dust can develop lung cancer. Constant exposure to beryllium makes the skin vulnerable to wounds which take long to heal. A person could also develop a condition similar to that of warts. Infact, Beryllium is considered to be very lethal as it impacts upon a person a long time after her/his last tryst with this metal. Polyvinyl chloride, better known as (PVC), most widely used in electronic items for household purposes needs to be recycled in the right manner. Chlorine forms almost 56% of polyvinyl chloride and when burnt, it emits a large amount of hydrogen chloride gas. This along with water produces hydrochloric acid and inhaling of which causes extreme breathing complications. There are various other dangerous harmful components like chlorofluorocarbons, chromium, arsenic, cadmium and others, each with their horrendous impact on both people and the environment. A green alternative is the only solution to save our Earth and make it a more safe and liveable planet. Every human being should consider their moral duty to ensure that all their obsolete electronic goods are disposed in the safest manner. It’s never too late to save Earth from further harm. We can always start, right now!
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