Rasberry's 3D- Printable Pi Laptop

by 23:15 0 comments

A 3D Laptop: Pi-Top Version 3

The birth of a 3D printer set this world free and left everyone ‘wide mouth opened’. The amazing things this invention did are beyond what words could describe. It brought legs to people who were handicapped and a ray of hope for people who thought that making a desired Lego character is impossible.  The range of achievements unlocked by this amazing invention is priceless.  Raspberry Pi laptops are one of these inventions that paved way to a better future. It altered the way through which laptops were traditionally made and took the 3D printing to a whole new level. They have been creating the impossible, possible. 

Raspberry Pi is a company that believes in innovating things that makes life simpler. The foundation is based on computers that are equally sized to a credit card. It is a user friendly chip that can be plugged on to a television set or a monitor and makes the system act like a computer or a laptop. It gives everything a normal computer does, such as exploring the internet, playing high definition games and even assists in creating and modifying word documents and spreadsheets. It is basically a computer in your pocket. With the introduction and advancement in the 3D printing sector, they came up with personal computers that are cheap and productive. It specifically has proved of great use to kids. The schooling sector has boosted its way through using this innovative technology. Previously two versions of Raspberry Pi- Tops have been brought into the market and with the third installment named as raspberry Pi-Top Version 3, this company has designed the laptop to serve greater purposes. Below is the detailed functionality of the laptop.

Though the 3rd installment of this device hasn’t been made available to the public the featured showcase revealed the specifications this little man would carry. Raspberry Pi provides the best when it comes to processors and the chipset. With a quadcore processor which runs at 900MHz, the Pi 2 surprised many heads whereas the pi3 remains the same but is expected to run at a cloaking higher than the previous version. The usual size with two additional USB ports is the ‘news making’ feature it has to offer. An improved touch pad and an even smaller printed panel are other improvements made to the Raspberry Pi 3. The sales of this laptop too is expected to reach greater heights similar to its precedes.    



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