The 10 worst PC's in the history of PC's

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 The 10 worst PC's in the history of PC's

Laptops and computers are prevalently used and during all times of a day by all for some or the other purpose that it is hard to even imagine a day without using them. The addiction is due to the ability to receive and send information, pictures, videos and audios without any limitations with regards to time, space, people or location. Since the invention of computers and laptops many models have evolved and proved as worthy ones while some as unworthy ones. It is also quiet natural that the worthy ones get the maximum attention and the unworthy laptop or computer models go unnoticed or unheard. To make a difference, here you are going to see information on some of the worst computers that hit the market.  The list comprising of the 10 worst PC's in the history of PC's include the Gavilan, Zenith Minisport, Apple iBook, Compaq’s Circa, IBM’s Butterfly, Toshiba Libretto, Momenta, Mattel Barbie PC, Dell Dimension 4600 and the Dynabook.
Initially called as the Cosmos Computer, the Gavilan was the first computer to have incorporated the mousepad also known as the touchpad. Even though it was considered as a pioneer of laptops, the developers could not justify the use of a touchpad and its poor location (above the keys) only added to the woes of the manufacturer. With a backlit LCD that also reflected, the Zenith Minisport introduced in the year 1989 made it difficult for the users to read the contents displayed on its screen in whatever condition it was viewed. In spite of a great hype surrounding its futuristic floppy disk technology, this machine did not get much welcome because of its many unconvinced features. The Apple iBook of the year 1999 was an exceedingly large machine that came in wonderful hues but with a contrasting less performance. Hence was ridiculed as a machine worth to be a toy for girls. Compaq’s Circa had trackballs situated over its screen bezel that many users it uncomfortable to use. After this model, the company’s models never got a strong foothold in the field of laptops. IBM’s Butterfly promoted as an ultra-compact machine had a weird, expandable keyboard fetching it a position of an offbeat classic but it never ticked with the users. 

Toshiba Libretto was one among the fully featured yet ultra-small machines that were impractical to view contents and use. Momenta, a pad based machine that lead the way to the tablet PCs we use now failed to impress just like its successor. The pink colored Mattel Barbie looked more like a toy than a computer while Dell’s Dimension 4600 had a big start but ended up as a subject that featured in jokes. It was due to it power supply failures and misdiagnosed problems. Dynabook is one of the laptops that used lead-acid batteries but unlike the other worst PCs this did not even hit the market, before that itself it became extinct, such were its abilities. The manufacturers of the above mentioned 10 worst PC’s of the history should have considered sending them to instead of flooding these junk machines into the market. In fact, they would have made more profits, beyond their expectations. 



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