Pity story of a man who lost his passionate Surfing Board for an Apple MacBook

by 01:11 0 comments

We love ebay, only till we get swindled by a man who claims to sell a laptop, but all he actually sells is a picture of it. If you are still wondering if people really are being cheated like this, hell yeah, they are.
So the story goes like this. A surfer guy named Paul Barrington, surfer by passion, sold the last of his surfing boards to buy an Apple MacBook for 300 Euros from eBay. Keeping in mind that this act of sacrifice was to kick start a business of his own as DJ, because of a lung condition that caused him breath troubles. A few days later, a box that either by size or weight had no chance of containing a laptop arrived at his doorstep.
Guess what? He did receive a MacBook, but printed over a paper. There definitely were laughs, but when asked about it to Mr.Barrington, he replied “I sold my pride and joy for a piece of paper.” As we all know, such instances aren’t new. There are many such incidents that have fooled many.

eBay felt sorry and promised to pay him back through the ‘eBay Money Back Guarantee. As much as the story seems to entertain us, a part does feel sorry for him.   



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