Sell Laptop - Apple Siri, Microsoft Cortana or Google’s Google Now, which is Better

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The embedding of artificial intelligence (AI) into the gadget’s world has made a remarkable revolution in technology arena, where it’s seemingly increasing its popularity day by day. In recent times, the top notch talk is about, which is better? Apple’s Siri, Google’s Google Now or Windows Phone’s Cortana?  There are many nit-picks to deal with all the three.

Apple’s Siri is completely voice assistant available to the iPhone users ever since the release of iPhone 4s. it gives the users the ease to ask immense no of queries, set up appointments and events, enabled to interact with digital diva named sassy, giving her a nick name and a lot more.

 Microsoft’s Cortona is all voice assisted by an actress Jen Taylor. This is available to all the users with windows 8.1 version. Incidentally, at times you‘ll about to encounter computer generated voice messages, which is more likely to be less exciting.

Google Now:
Google Now is always known for its quick access and effortlessness. You can simply enable the voice commands by saying “ok, Google” and then start with your command. Unlike Siri and Cortana, Google Now will suggest you with the extra personal recommendations related to your search queries.

A real-time testing:
The users witnessed a lot of distinct variations in all the three, while the practical application. On a real-time study by one consulting company named Stone Temple correlated a study to determine, which stands out among all the three and tech best.

All the three, Google’s Now, Cortana and Siri were fed with about 3000 voice queries  separately right from the most complex to the simplest questions in the world, say for example” what is the tallest mountain the world?” . The end result was incredible, where Google Now topped the three having answered 88% of the queries completely. Whereas, Siri was set back to 2nd position with 53% positive rate and last stood the Microsoft’s Cortana with 40% response rate. 

All the three have the ability to perform both simpler and complex tasks. But each of it would exhibit them in their own unique way.

Siri from Apple has ability to integrate with the third party applications. For instance, it connects to OpenTable to book dinner reservations on the fly and Fandango to assist you to buy movie tickets. This is one striking feature of it.

However, Google Now tops the voice activation game, it recommends and anticipates you with more information relevant to your search queries before you could ask. The new kid lined up in the series is the Cortana, has a promising start, but still got lot more to bug up. Eventually, when it comes to answering and responding the questions quickly and more precisely, many say Siri tops the market. Despite all these tech war, it would always pave way for a good start for both the technology and the users.

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